Hop Pellets Typ 45 (T45) (aroma)

Adding aroma hops gives the beer the round aroma and flavour typical of hops.

With the manufacture of P45 the first production steps are identical with P90. The extracted powder is however then sieved over belts at a temperature of -35 °C. During this process the lupulin glands lose their stickiness. The lupulin separates from the spent hop cones. In this way an mechanical enrichment of the alpha acid content takes place. The alpha acid content can be adjusted according to the wishes of the customer by adding the hop cones later on e.g to 10,0 %. The pelletising and packing is the same as with the P90. Pellets weighing 45 kg can be extracted from approx. 100 kg raw hops – The pellets are called „P45“.